Welcome to RIMSR : NAAC Accredited Institute

GUEST SPEAK - Lectures by Industry Stalwarts

The changing corporate world is witness to new practices and innovative techniques, that books are yet to capture. In order to stay current, it is important to hear from the veterans in the field. We invite corporate stalwarts as guests to speak from their experiences and help our students stay up-to-date with recent times.

Click here for List of Guest Sessions and Speakers

ALUMNI SPEAK - Lectures by Eminent Alumnus

The biggest motivation for current students is to watch the institute alumnus succeed in their corporate lives. They witness their real life stories and take inspiration to do equally well. We call our beloved ex-students to the campus and request them to share their corporate journey and the RIMSR advantage. Their milestones help current students set high standards for themselves and have role models they can look upto.

Click here for List of Alumni Speak Sessions and Speakers

ALACRITY – The OpSys Event

Alacrity is the Annual Conference hosted by students specializing in Operations and Systems. Every year the conference makes attempts to have paper presentations, panel discussions and sessions on the contemporary issues in Operations and Systems. Alacrity over the years has had deliberations and discussions on a plethora of topics like Optimization, Artificial Intelligence, Block Chain Technology, Theory of Constraints, Machine Learning to name a few. The Event has always been blessed by the best practitioners sharing stage to give wider and better perspectives.

Click here for Alacrity over the years

IMPRESSIONS – The Annual HR Meet

Impressions is the Annual HR meet hosted by the students specializing in HR. The Event over the years has been a platform to discuss People and People Management issues. The Event across years has witnessed Panel Discussions, Paper Presentations and Seminars on a wide range of topics that influence Human Resource. Comtemporary issues like People Analytics, Work Life Balance, Performance Measurement to name a few have been discussed by leading HR practitioners across organizations.

Click here for Impressions over the years

SAKSHAM – The Annual Marketing Conference

Saksham is the Annual Marketing Conference hosted by the students specializing in Marketing. The Conference has been a wonderful opportunity for the students of Marketing to showcase their ability to understand Markets, generate Creative Solutions and suggest Marketing Strategies for various Marketing issues and scenarios. Saksham over the years has given the Marketing students a platform to work hands on, deliberate and opinionate over Marketing issues like conducting a Brand Audit, Crafting Customer Mangament Experiences, Marketing Government Schemes, Creating Digital Marketing Campaigns, Marketing Social Causes, Suggesting Co-Branding Strategies to name a few. The Conference has also been enriched by the presence of veteran Marketing practitioners as Judge, Panelist and Speakers.

Click here for Saksham over the years

SYNAPSE – The Financial Impulse

Synapse is the Annual Event hosted by the students specializing in Finance. It is a forum for Finance professionals to exchange views and ideas over real time issues in Finance. Synapse over the years has been a platform for enriching discussions over extremely varied topics in Finance like Inclusive Finance, Behavioural Finance, Perils of Investment, Valuation, Banking Regulations amongst others. The Event has witnessed Financial Stalwarts across sectors and domain add value to the discussions.

Click here for Synapse over the years